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​Yun-jung Choi

Professor Yun-Jung Choi is a nurse educator and researcher at Red Cross College of Nursing, Chung-Ang University, Seoul, Korea. She has a highly qualified standard of nursing based on her rigorous academic training as well as various clinical experiences from Ewha Womans University and Seoul National University Hospital in Korea as well as Johns Hopkins University and University of Maryland in the US. She is mainly interested in researches of community mental health promotion and simulation-based nursing education using standardized patients. She had conducted the research project, 'Community mental health promotion by managing acculturative stress and improving mental health literacy of migrant women', supported by the Korean Research Foundation' s basic research, which provides the basis for mental health promotion services of a multicultural society in Korea. Currently, she is conducting the greater research project, 'Development of a mobile application for Korean disaster mental health promotion' funded for the senior researcher from the Korea Research Foundation. From the project, she developed and provided simulation-based psychological support education using standardized patients for community health professionals to increase their mental health support competency. Dr. Choi actively publishes her research in the prestigious international peer-reviewed journals that adds the body of nursing knowledge.

교수님 대표사진.jpg

2006 - 2007

2005 - 2006

2001 - 2004

1995 -  1997

1991 -  1997

1987 -  1991

Post-Master's Psychiatric/Mental Health Nurse Practitioner, School of Nursing, University of Maryland at Baltimore, USA

Post-Doctoral Fellow, School of Nursing, Johns Hopkins University, USA

Ph.D. College of Nursing, Ewha Womans University, Seoul, Korea

MSN. College of Nursing, Ewha Womans University, Seoul, Korea

Clinical Nurse, Seoul National University Hospital, Seoul, Korea

BSN. College of Nursing, Ewha Womans University, Seoul, Korea

Education & Clinical Experience


Lee, M. Y., & Choi, Y. J. (2023). Effects of a mental health nursing simulation for general ward nurses: A pilot study. Nursing Open, 10(5), 3432-3436.

Choi, Y. J., & Um, Y. J. (2023). Topic Models to Analyze Disaster-Related Newspaper Articles: Focusing on COVID-19. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MENTAL HEALTH PROMOTION, 25(3), 421-431.

Choi, E. J., & Choi, Y. J. (2023). The early emotional responses and central issues of people in the epicenter of the COVID-19 pandemic: An analysis from twitter text mining. International Journal of Mental Health Promotion, 21-29.

Choi, Y. J., & Um, Y. J. (2022). Student nurse experiences in public healthcare clinical practice during the COVID-19 pandemic: A qualitative study. Nurse Education Today, 119, 105586.

Choi, Y. J., & Um, Y. J. (2022). The effects of a home-visit nursing simulation for older people with dementia on nursing students' communication skills, self-efficacy, and critical thinking propensity: Quantitative research. Nurse Education Today, 119, 105564.


2023 -  2027   신규간호사 심리적 외상 예방 및 점진적 다중환자간호노출 통합프로그램 개발: 모바일 앱 기반 뉴로피드백 활용 스트레스 관리와 기능성 게임 및

                       점진적 노출기법 활용 다중환자간호 시뮬레이션을 중심으로

                       (Development of an Integrated Program for New Nurses on the Prevention of Psychological Trauma and Gradual Exposure to        

                        Multiple Patient Nursing Care: Focused on Stress Management using Mobile Neuro-feedback, and Gradual Exposure to Multiple

                        Patient Nursing Simulation by Mobile Serious Games)

2020 - 2023    기능성 게임(Serious Game) 기반 심리적 응급처치 시뮬레이션 및 뉴로피드백을 활용한 트라우마 스트레스 관리 프로그램 개발

                       (Development of Serious Games for PFA Simulation and Trauma Stress Management Programs using Neurofeedback)

2017 - 2020    모바일 앱(Mobile App)기반 한국형 재난정신건강관리 프로그램 개발

                       (Development of a mobile application for Korean disaster mental health promotion)

2013 - 2015    결혼이주여성을 위한 지역사회 정신건강증진 프로그램 개발 및 효과

                       (Community mental health promotion by managing acculturative stress and improving mental health literacy of migrant women)

2013               HIV/AIDS 표준교육프로그램 개발 및 전문인력 양성 교육사업

                       (HIV/AIDS Standardized Training Program: Development and Professional Training Programs)

Psychiatric mental health nursing, women's mental health, Community mental health, Traumatic stress, Simulation-based nursing education using standardized patients, Qualitative research


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